Friday, August 13, 2010

Good news at the doctor

I just got back from the doctor and we got another ultrasound today! The reason was (I don't know if you remember) but near the beginning of the pregnancy they found out that I had placenta previa, which meant the placenta was lying low and covering the cervix (tmi?) which is the path the baby needs to get out. If it didn't move by the end of the pregnancy, that would have meant a definite c-section.

They checked it today and it has completely moved out of the way!! So, no c-section because of this!! Hurray! Who knows, I may need it for some other reason, but at least we can now try a regular delivery, which I'm really excited about.

They also looked more at the baby and we got to see his cute little features. He was even opening and closing his mouth. Everything measured perfectly and the ultrasound tech said he was DEFINITELY still a boy. She said he was very well endowed :) I'll have to post the pic on here. He also weighs about 3 pounds 10 oz (roughly).

Only 9 more weeks!


S said...

Congrats Tiff! What a relief. I seriously can't wait to see pics of this little guy!

Selma said...

Congrats!So glad your placenta moved from the cervix! I hope mine does too! I find out in few days.

Mandy Coffey said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!! So awesome. I was indifferent about c-section vs regular, i didn't understand why some women were WAY for or WAY against either one... but then I had Jo regular and it was so satisfying and exhilerating that I'm glad I did it.

Christina and Ryan said...

I'm glad that your placenta moved and that your baby has a big wiener. Both things are very exciting! (and nothing you say will ever be TMI)

Henry Family said...

That is such a relief for you I'm sure, but just in case you end up having a c-section, let me reassure you that it's not as bad as some people make it sound. I had one regular delivery and 4 c-sections. I am glad I got to experience both ways. It will be okay no matter how you deliver him! ♥ u!

Megan said...

that's great! how fun to have another ultrasound and so far into the pregnancy so you can see him and all his cute features, glad to hear he's still a boy! I'm so excited to see pictures of him when he comes, and hopefully meet him not too long after that!