Josh by Justin's Plane
Me by another plane in the hangar
Warning Label on our Plane
So, I was a chicken and I only let him do barrel rolls with me, but Josh, who wants to get his pilot's license one day and fly planes, wasn't scared of anything. So he did something called a hammer head which is where they fly really high and start going backwards like they're going to do a back flip, but once the front of the plane is pointing towards the ground, they just start spiraling straight for the ground! They spin and spin until he gets close, then he pulls the nose of the plane up. Way toooooo scary for me. He also let us fly the plane while we were up there, it was really amazing!
These two are the barrel rolls. I look terrified in my video, I know, but it was a lot of fun! In the beginning of my video I say, "Oh crap, I'm so scared" HAHA.
This last one is a video Josh took while doing that hammer head thing....yikes!