Our sweet boy turned 10 months! (Almost 2 weeks ago, oops). I've just been so crazy busy with life right now that my blog has been put on hold for awhile. But there are so many new things happening, so look for some really exciting posts soon!! (I'll give you a hint - we may be moving to a house!)
Dane is really getting to be such a big boy. I feel like he's starting to be a toddler more than an infant. I don't know when that technically happens (a year maybe?) but he's just acting so big.
Here's what he's been up to lately:
- My favorite milestone - sleeping through the night!! He actually started doing this at exactly 10 months and he's been doing it since. And I mean sleeping almost 12 hours straight. His first night he went from 7:30pm until 7:00am. I honestly didn't think this would happen for a LONG time. He was still waking up 1-2 times a night before this, so I thought he would have to get down to just once per night before nothing, but he was just in a habit. He wasn't actually hungry. So, hurray for us!
- Takes 2 wonderful naps a day. Very unlike what he used to do (30 min. naps). His first nap is almost always 1 1/2 hours and his second nap is anywhere from 1-2 hours.
- Gives open mouth kisses. Today he came to give me a kiss on his own, I didn't even ask for it. It was probably the most tender thing I've ever experienced.
- Shakes his head "no" when he doesn't want something. Sometimes even says, "no!" Not too thrilled about that one :)
- Clicks his tongue with his mouth. I don't know how he learned it, but it's so cute.
- Pulls himself up on everything and wants us to hold his hand and help him walk everywhere, ALL THE TIME. (He's even taking his first steps! The most he has done is 9 steps in a row on his own, but he's almost 10 1/2 months now, so that will be put in his next post)
- Doesn't crawl still
- Has 6 teeth. Top two, bottom four.
- Everything round is a "ball." He points to watermelons in the store, balloons, and actual balls and says "ball" to them all.
- Loves to open and close doors and drawers (especially the refrigerator door).
- Favorite toys - toy cars and balls
- Is such a smiley, happy baby that we adore sooooo much.
"Planking" if you've ever seen pics of people doing it, haha
Some family pics (all of the pics are on facebook)
More to come!!!