Friday, December 30, 2011

30 1/2 weeks

My update from my last dr. appt. is in my previous post. I have another in depth ultrasound on Tuesday and another regular dr. appt. on Wednesday so we will see if we have progressed anymore. Hopefully not yet. We need these girls to get a little bigger before they come out. Here is a picture of me at 30 1/2 weeks with this pregnancy vs. my first pregnancy with Dane. At my 30 week appt I was measuring 36 weeks. Babies are estimated at a little over 3lbs a piece.

   30 1/2 weeks with Dane                         30 1/2 weeks with twins


S said...

Wowza mama! Cute as ever!

derekandkelsey said...

You look great! Can't wait to see these girls, but hope they can keep cookin for you.

Diane said...

Wow Tiffany, You look like you are having a litter. JK You are carrying them right out in front. I'll bet your back is killing you. Remember to take it easy.

Holly said...

You look great and are all belly! Every week is such a milestone! Take it easy!