Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Are you up for the challenge??

Here is a challenge to try and better yourself and your home. My sisters in law have come up with these cute, creative ways to do a little something each day to try and improve your life. I'm participating and you can see my progress by clicking on the light/fish icon on the sidebar of my blog.
This month's challenge is this... (if you would like to particpate, please do! It's fun to see what everyone is doing)

Home Improvement
Every week day this month, do something to better your home!

Some ideas could be:
- Organize and de-clutter something: a drawer, cupboard, closet, pantry, make-up bag etc.
- Touch up those dings in your walls with some touch-up paint
- Hang some pictures
- Re-arrange your furniture
- Give a good deep clean to something you don't get to regularly
- Re-decorate a room
- Wash those "decoration only" towels hanging in your bathroom
- Dust your ceiling fans, light fixtures and blinds
- Give a good scrub to those hard to reach places- behind your toilet, the corners or your grout, baseboards etc.
-Wash and polish your door knobs (who ever does that?!)
- Clean out your closet and donate unused clothing

... that was just the list I made in literally 2 minutes. If I had another 5 minutes, I could think of a ton more!

This doesnt have to be a huge "Home Rennovation", just keep it simple and you will feel great!

So who is in?!?!?


Mandy Coffey said...

hey tiff in response to your comment on my blog, the project was not hard at all!!! I told jonathan was size i wanted and he made the frames. It was just wood squares. Cheap wood from Home Depot. If Josh can make it, it's cheaper than buying picture frames and taking the glass out.
I just laid the fabric upside down on our table and put the frame on top. I stapled the fabric on one side, turned the frame to the direct opposite side of what i stapled, and pulled tight and stapled - pulled tight and stapled and repeated it until it was stapled all the way across. Then you turn it again, pull tight and staple, etc. I also hot glue the ends of the fabric so they wouldn't fray and split on the staples. The corners of the frame are the trickiest but still easy, you just have to wrap it like a present and staple the corners.
It's way easy. The entire thing took me 30 minutes. Besides shopping and cutting wood i mean. I'd say a total of 2 hours with shopping and cutting wood.

Auna Leigh said...

Love the last three posts. love the befores and afters! nice work. Love the cleaning idea! I need to do that bad!!! And I am so jelous about your trip! Sounds like fun! Take tons of pics! LYM